Seja Monitor no 9th Southern Cone TESOL
Seja Monitor no 9th Southern Cone TESOL
If you’re a BRAZ-TESOL member and would like to work as a monitor during the 9th Southern Cone TESOL - which will be held in Curitiba, from July 18 to 20, 2011 at PUCPR, Campus Curitiba - join us! But, if you’re not a member yet, you can still join us! Requirements: Your experience with the English language
- Become a BRAZ-TESOL member or be one in good standing
- Registration for the convention, at:
- Fluency in English
- Availability during the event
- Participation in, at least, 3 meetings before the convention
- Curriculum vitae (simplified version)
- Cover letter -It’s a one-page written text in which the following information must appear:
Your experience attending English events
Your previous experience as a monitor (if any)
Why you want to be a monitor
How you can contribute to the event as a monitor
Monitors will:
- Receive both a monitor and a participant certificate
- Be free from paying the convention fees (but MUST be a BRAZ-TESOL member)
- Have the chance to improve their English by being in direct contact with the speakers and participants
- Gain experience in organizing events
If you’re willing to help us, please send an email message to Denise Hibarino ( ) AND Malu ( saying you’re interested and which day you’re available for the interview:
May 27th from 13.00-18.00 (Friday) OR May 28th from 13.00-18.00 (Saturday)
All the interviews will take place at UTFPR – Campus Curitiba Sede Central (Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 – Rebouças)
It’s not necessary to send your CV and cover letter by email. You’ll have to bring them on the day of your interview.
Denise and Malu
Academic committee